Selasa, 10 September 2013
That was long time i'm stop writing on this blog, yeah for couple years many thing i've to do such as Field Work, Field Work Report, English Self-Access Program Tutor business things!... and attend many event of Capoeira Luanda Bandung, ok...

Get to The point...

Guys i Just pronounced to you a OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF CAPOEIRA LUANDA ITT BRANCH... this project become my waiting list because my partnert hold the password and username, cause he is the first who gets the announcement. He is part of Internal Division so this is Internal Division business, but cause i'm "ex"Chief of External Division and only both of us available, also we were in informatics, you can says we are "Expert" event the fact mmmmm not really "WAS" (we've optimistic). Actually we got 4 here, me, my friend, Fath, and Hage but 2 more is actually busy with their college "Things" and we're fresher grade... so we're haven't many things to do... so this project given to us.

this is it click the picture to see the website. ENJOY!