Senin, 29 April 2013
I just thinking that when i was doing capoeira exercise @ ITB Bandung last Sunday. There was someone come to join us to practices, He was Indonesian 4 years experiences training capoeira but not really came at every scheduled. When we play Roda Class, he turn in to the Jogo, he play... a little raw, fast, and brutal. I can say, I just like him... 3 or 4 months ago. Its like paradox or anything named of it,,, like i see myself i was.
I can say, I played more slowed, 78% at ground movement, and try to not so brutal like i was. Thanks to my trainer Rebel "Coalinha" u can see him at my blog header wearing red jacket. And Andicho " Abaxaci" who told me how to put my mind not to be brutal anymore.
Im done write this,, im was in class, i keep you update. See You soon.

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